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La Colombina · Francisco Guerrero
El ultimo disco de La Colombina obtiene reconocimientos de la critica especializada

El último disco grabado por La Colombina con su formación actual – Raquel Andueza, soprano, José Hernández Pastor, contratenor, Josep Benet, tenor y Josep Cabré, bajo - (K617196), distribuido en España por Harmonia Mundi Iberica, ha sido galardonado con el Diapasón d´Or de la revista Diapasón y con la "e" de excepcional de la Revista Scherzo.

El disco, que contiene motetes, canciones y villanescas de Francisco Guerrero, fue grabado en el mes de septiembre de 2006 en la Iglesia del Convento de Santa Cruz de Azkoitia (Gipuzkoa).

NBMusika is a record publishing label that tries to make known, among other things, a not habitual repertoire, by means of rigorous interpretations in the artistic area and technically excellent recordings.
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NBMusika is an agency for representation of artists, that entrusts itself with the management of their agendas, their promotion and their activity in general, assuming in addition the responsibility of all the bureaucratic tasks derived from the exercise of the abovementioned activities.
NBMusika, besides managing its own projects, facilitates a professional structure for the organization of events, concerts, cycles and festivals, including, if is needed, programming tasks.
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